Monday, August 31, 2009

A trip around the University of Missouri - Columbia Campus in the early evening...

Mizzou has a ton of things to photograph...

This is Memorial Union.  This pic was taken at 4:55pm on a cloudy day.  Shot at 18mm f 7.1 @ 1/30 to 1/160

This is a shot of Jesse Hall from in front of Ellis Library... also taken about 5pm on a cloudy day.  HDR really pulls the dark effects out of the sky unless it is masked off in photoshop.  Dreary, but cool!  5:10pm Shot at 26mm f 7.1 @ 1/125 to 1/4000 
Memorial Union (West Side) Shot 18mm f 7.1, @ speeds of 1/160 to 1/2500  4:45pm

Memorial Union Shot at 5:20pm. 50mm,  f 22 @1/5 to 1/200
Memorial Union 4:50pm  Shot at 18mm f 7.1 @ 1/320 to 1/3200

Sculpture on Lowry Mall, "Yielding Spire"
Shot at 5:25pm 18mm  f 10 @ 1/15 to 1/160


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